Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Weight loss tips and secrets...

Hi guys!

My name is Kalia and I am here to share motivation and weight loss tips to help you fight the bulge and become a better, more healthy you!

First things first. Your very first obstacle will be getting yourself motivated. Have you ever heard the phrase "you are your own worst enemy"? Well that is certainly true. We can and we will come up with every excuse in the book to not embark on this journey.

I will wait until monday. I will wait until after the holidays. I don't have time. I don't feel like it. It's too hard. I can't afford the gym. I don't even like the gym.

Sound familiar? Well those were the same things among many others that I used to tell myself. So in this first blog, albeit short and sweet, I ask you to prepare yourself mentally for the road ahead. Strip your mind free of all reservations. In order for you to succeed, you have be a willing participant in your own journey. Will it be easy? No. Are there going to be times when you want to give up? Yes. However, I promise you that once the weight begins to fall off and in time as it continues to melt away, you will remember those tough moments and you will say to yourself..."It was well worth it!" Don't be your own worst enemy. If you will agree to take that first step...or should I say leap of faith, lol, I will be here to encourage you, applaud you and walk with you through those tough times.

Please feel free to subscribe to this blog as we will cover a lot of useful information in the time to come. Let's take control over our bodies and make it to the end! Tomorrow, I will talk about one of the foundations of your journey, this is a very important step in the beginning stages so stay tuned...


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